Nuitka Pre-Release 0.3.4pre1

This pre-release of Nuitka has a focus on re-organizing the Nuitka generated source code. Please see the page “What is Nuitka?” for clarification of what it is now and what it wants to be.

For a long time, Nuitka has generated a single C++ file, even when embedding many modules into one. And it has always showed that the GNU g++ compiler clearly has exponential compile time behavior when translating these into the executable.

This is no more the case. So this pre-release is mainly about making the --deep feature useful. Before the release, I may look into optimizations for speed again. Right now time is very short due to day job reasons, so this pre-release is also about allowing people to use the improvements that I have made and get some feedback about it.

Bug fixes

  • None at all. Although I am sure that there may be regressions on the options side. The tests of CPython 2.7 all pass still, but you may find some breakage.


  • Static helpers source code has been moved to “.hpp” and “.cpp” files, instead of being in “.py” files.

  • Generated generated code for each module is now a separate file.

  • Constants etc. go to their own file (although not named sensible yet)

New Features

  • Uses Scons to make the build.

New Tests

  • I have added ExtremClosure from the Python quiz. I feel it was not covered by existing tests yet.


  • There is now a new environment variable “NUITKA_SCONS” which should point to the directory with the Scons file for Nuitka.

  • The can now be sourced (if you are in the top level directory of Nuitka) or be used with eval. In either case it also reports what it does.


None at this time. It likely didn’t change much at all. And I am not yet using the link time optimization feature of the g++ compiler, so potentially it should be worse than before at max.

This release will be inside the “git” repository only. Check out latest version here to get it.

Kay Hayen