markdown_it.rules_inline.text 源代码

# Skip text characters for text token, place those to pending buffer
# and increment current pos

from .state_inline import StateInline

# Rule to skip pure text
# '{}$%@~+=:' reserved for extentions

# !, ", #, $, %, &, ', (, ), *, +, ,, -, ., /, :, ;, <, =, >, ?, @, [, \, ], ^, _, `, {, |, }, or ~

# !!!! Don't confuse with "Markdown ASCII Punctuation" chars
[文档]def isTerminatorChar(ch): return ch in { 0x0A, # /* \n */: 0x21, # /* ! */: 0x23, # /* # */: 0x24, # /* $ */: 0x25, # /* % */: 0x26, # /* & */: 0x2A, # /* * */: 0x2B, # /* + */: 0x2D, # /* - */: 0x3A, # /* : */: 0x3C, # /* < */: 0x3D, # /* = */: 0x3E, # /* > */: 0x40, # /* @ */: 0x5B, # /* [ */: 0x5C, # /* \ */: 0x5D, # /* ] */: 0x5E, # /* ^ */: 0x5F, # /* _ */: 0x60, # /* ` */: 0x7B, # /* { */: 0x7D, # /* } */: 0x7E, # /* ~ */: }
[文档]def text(state: StateInline, silent: bool, **args): pos = state.pos posMax = state.posMax while (pos < posMax) and not isTerminatorChar(state.srcCharCode[pos]): pos += 1 if pos == state.pos: return False if not silent: state.pending += state.src[state.pos : pos] state.pos = pos return True