Process escaped chars and hardbreaks
from .state_inline import StateInline
from ..common.utils import isSpace
ESCAPED = [0 for _ in range(256)]
for ch in "\\!\"#$%&'()*+,./:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~-":
ESCAPED[ord(ch)] = 1
[文档]def escape(state: StateInline, silent: bool):
pos = state.pos
maximum = state.posMax
# /* \ */
if state.srcCharCode[pos] != 0x5C:
return False
pos += 1
if pos < maximum:
ch = state.srcCharCode[pos]
if ch < 256 and ESCAPED[ch] != 0:
if not silent:
state.pending += state.src[pos]
state.pos += 2
return True
if ch == 0x0A:
if not silent:
state.push("hardbreak", "br", 0)
pos += 1
# skip leading whitespaces from next line
while pos < maximum:
ch = state.srcCharCode[pos]
if not isSpace(ch):
pos += 1
state.pos = pos
return True
if not silent:
state.pending += "\\"
state.pos += 1
return True