markdown_it.rules_block.state_block 源代码

from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING

from ..token import Token
from ..ruler import StateBase
from ..common.utils import isSpace

    from markdown_it.main import MarkdownIt

[文档]class StateBlock(StateBase): def __init__( self, src: str, md: "MarkdownIt", env, tokens: List[Token], srcCharCode: Optional[Tuple[int, ...]] = None, ): if srcCharCode is not None: self._src = src self.srcCharCode = srcCharCode else: self.src = src # link to parser instance = md self.env = env # # Internal state variables # self.tokens = tokens self.bMarks = [] # line begin offsets for fast jumps self.eMarks = [] # line end offsets for fast jumps # offsets of the first non-space characters (tabs not expanded) self.tShift = [] self.sCount = [] # indents for each line (tabs expanded) # An amount of virtual spaces (tabs expanded) between beginning # of each line (bMarks) and real beginning of that line. # # It exists only as a hack because blockquotes override bMarks # losing information in the process. # # It's used only when expanding tabs, you can think about it as # an initial tab length, e.g. bsCount=21 applied to string `\t123` # means first tab should be expanded to 4-21%4 === 3 spaces. # self.bsCount = [] # block parser variables self.blkIndent = 0 # required block content indent (for example, if we are # inside a list, it would be positioned after list marker) self.line = 0 # line index in src self.lineMax = 0 # lines count self.tight = False # loose/tight mode for lists self.ddIndent = -1 # indent of the current dd block (-1 if there isn't any) self.listIndent = -1 # indent of the current list block (-1 if there isn't any) # can be 'blockquote', 'list', 'root', 'paragraph' or 'reference' # used in lists to determine if they interrupt a paragraph self.parentType = "root" self.level = 0 # renderer self.result = "" # Create caches # Generate markers. indent_found = False start = pos = indent = offset = 0 length = len(self.src) for pos, character in enumerate(self.srcCharCode): if not indent_found: if isSpace(character): indent += 1 if character == 0x09: offset += 4 - offset % 4 else: offset += 1 continue else: indent_found = True if character == 0x0A or pos == length - 1: if character != 0x0A: pos += 1 self.bMarks.append(start) self.eMarks.append(pos) self.tShift.append(indent) self.sCount.append(offset) self.bsCount.append(0) indent_found = False indent = 0 offset = 0 start = pos + 1 # Push fake entry to simplify cache bounds checks self.bMarks.append(length) self.eMarks.append(length) self.tShift.append(0) self.sCount.append(0) self.bsCount.append(0) self.lineMax = len(self.bMarks) - 1 # don't count last fake line def __repr__(self): return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}" f"(line={self.line},level={self.level},tokens={len(self.tokens)})" )
[文档] def push(self, ttype: str, tag: str, nesting: int) -> Token: """Push new token to "stream".""" token = Token(ttype, tag, nesting) token.block = True if nesting < 0: self.level -= 1 # closing tag token.level = self.level if nesting > 0: self.level += 1 # opening tag self.tokens.append(token) return token
[文档] def isEmpty(self, line: int) -> bool: """.""" return (self.bMarks[line] + self.tShift[line]) >= self.eMarks[line]
[文档] def skipEmptyLines(self, from_pos: int) -> int: """.""" while from_pos < self.lineMax: try: if (self.bMarks[from_pos] + self.tShift[from_pos]) < self.eMarks[ from_pos ]: break except IndexError: from_pos += 1 break from_pos += 1 return from_pos
[文档] def skipSpaces(self, pos: int) -> int: """Skip spaces from given position.""" while pos < len(self.src): if not isSpace(self.srcCharCode[pos]): break pos += 1 return pos
[文档] def skipSpacesBack(self, pos: int, minimum: int) -> int: """Skip spaces from given position in reverse.""" if pos <= minimum: return pos while pos > minimum: pos -= 1 if not isSpace(self.srcCharCode[pos]): return pos + 1 return pos
[文档] def skipChars(self, pos: int, code: int) -> int: """Skip char codes from given position.""" while pos < len(self.src): if self.srcCharCode[pos] != code: break pos += 1 return pos
[文档] def skipCharsBack(self, pos: int, code: int, minimum: int) -> int: """Skip char codes reverse from given position - 1.""" if pos <= minimum: return pos while pos > minimum: pos -= 1 if code != self.srcCharCode[pos]: return pos + 1 return pos
[文档] def getLines(self, begin: int, end: int, indent: int, keepLastLF: bool) -> str: """Cut lines range from source.""" line = begin if begin >= end: return "" queue = [""] * (end - begin) i = 1 while line < end: lineIndent = 0 lineStart = first = self.bMarks[line] if line + 1 < end or keepLastLF: last = self.eMarks[line] + 1 else: last = self.eMarks[line] while (first < last) and (lineIndent < indent): ch = self.srcCharCode[first] if isSpace(ch): if ch == 0x09: lineIndent += 4 - (lineIndent + self.bsCount[line]) % 4 else: lineIndent += 1 elif first - lineStart < self.tShift[line]: lineIndent += 1 else: break first += 1 if lineIndent > indent: # partially expanding tabs in code blocks, e.g '\t\tfoobar' # with indent=2 becomes ' \tfoobar' queue[i - 1] = (" " * (lineIndent - indent)) + self.src[first:last] else: queue[i - 1] = self.src[first:last] line += 1 i += 1 return "".join(queue)