Configuration reference¶
You can configure Jupyter Book with a YAML configuration file (_config.yml
This file controls a number of options and feature flags.
This page is a reference for the _config.yml
structure along with default values for each option.
For information about using and configuring specific features, see the Topic Guides.
YAML can be tricky when it comes to how it treats certain kinds of values. For example,
when using strings in YAML it is usually fine to omit quotes around them. However,
there are certain values that will be converted to boolean values if they do not have
strings around them. For example, false
, true
, off
, etc. In addition, pure
numbers will be converted to float
or int
unless you put strings around them.
Configuration defaults¶
Below is the full default configuration file.
Anything you set in your own _config.yml
will be merged into these defaults before they are used to configure the build.
# A default configuration that will be loaded for all jupyter books
# Users are expected to override these values in their own `_config.yml` file.
# This is also the "master list" of all allowed keys and values.
# Book settings
title : My Jupyter Book # The title of the book. Will be placed in the left navbar.
author : The Jupyter Book community # The author of the book
copyright : "2021" # Copyright year to be placed in the footer
logo : "" # A path to the book logo
# Patterns to skip when building the book. Can be glob-style (e.g. "*skip.ipynb")
exclude_patterns : [_build, Thumbs.db, .DS_Store, "**.ipynb_checkpoints"]
# Auto-exclude files not in the toc
only_build_toc_files : false
# Execution settings
execute_notebooks : auto # Whether to execute notebooks at build time. Must be one of ("auto", "force", "cache", "off")
cache : "" # A path to the jupyter cache that will be used to store execution artifacts. Defaults to `_build/.jupyter_cache/`
exclude_patterns : [] # A list of patterns to *skip* in execution (e.g. a notebook that takes a really long time)
timeout : 30 # The maximum time (in seconds) each notebook cell is allowed to run.
run_in_temp : false # If `True`, then a temporary directory will be created and used as the command working directory (cwd),
# otherwise the notebook's parent directory will be the cwd.
allow_errors : false # If `False`, when a code cell raises an error the execution is stopped, otherwise all cells are always run.
stderr_output : show # One of 'show', 'remove', 'remove-warn', 'warn', 'error', 'severe'
# Parse and render settings
myst_enable_extensions: # default extensions to enable in the myst parser. See
# - amsmath
- colon_fence
# - deflist
- dollarmath
# - html_admonition
# - html_image
- linkify
# - replacements
# - smartquotes
- substitution
- tasklist
myst_url_schemes: [mailto, http, https] # URI schemes that will be recognised as external URLs in Markdown links
myst_dmath_double_inline: true # Allow display math ($$) within an inline context
# HTML-specific settings
favicon : "" # A path to a favicon image
use_edit_page_button : false # Whether to add an "edit this page" button to pages. If `true`, repository information in repository: must be filled in
use_repository_button : false # Whether to add a link to your repository button
use_issues_button : false # Whether to add an "open an issue" button
use_multitoc_numbering : true # Continuous numbering across parts/chapters
extra_navbar : Powered by <a href="">Jupyter Book</a> # Will be displayed underneath the left navbar.
extra_footer : "" # Will be displayed underneath the footer.
google_analytics_id : "" # A GA id that can be used to track book views.
home_page_in_navbar : true # Whether to include your home page in the left Navigation Bar
baseurl : "" # The base URL where your book will be hosted. Used for creating image previews and social links. e.g.:
hypothesis : false
utterances : false
# LaTeX-specific settings
latex_engine : pdflatex # one of 'pdflatex', 'xelatex' (recommended for unicode), 'luatex', 'platex', 'uplatex'
use_jupyterbook_latex : true # use sphinx-jupyterbook-latex for pdf builds as default
# Launch button settings
notebook_interface : classic # The interface interactive links will activate ["classic", "jupyterlab"]
binderhub_url : # The URL of the BinderHub (e.g.,
jupyterhub_url : "" # The URL of the JupyterHub (e.g.,
thebe : false # Add a thebe button to pages (requires the repository to run on Binder)
colab_url : "" # The URL of Google Colab (
url : # The URL to your book's repository
path_to_book : "" # A path to your book's folder, relative to the repository root.
branch : master # Which branch of the repository should be used when creating links
# Advanced and power-user settings
extra_extensions : # A list of extra extensions to load by Sphinx (added to those already used by JB).
local_extensions : # A list of local extensions to load by sphinx specified by "name: path" items
config : # key-value pairs to directly over-ride the Sphinx configuration