
This page explains how to invoke your tasks on the CLI, both in terms of parser mechanics (how your tasks’ arguments are exposed as command-line options) and execution strategies (which tasks actually get run, and in what order).

(For details on Invoke’s core flags and options, see inv[oke] 核心用法.)

Basic command line layout

Invoke may be executed as invoke (or inv for short) and its command line layout looks like this:

$ inv [--core-opts] task1 [--task1-opts] ... taskN [--taskN-opts]

Put plainly, Invoke’s CLI parser splits your command line up into multiple “parser contexts” which allows it to reason about the args and options it will accept:

  • Before any task names are given, the parser is in the “core” parse context, and looks for core options and flags such as --echo, --list or --help.

  • Any non-argument-like token (such as mytask) causes a switch into a per-task context (or an error, if no task matching that name seems to exist in the loaded collection).

  • At this point, argument-like tokens are expected to correspond to the arguments for the previously named task (see Task command-line arguments).

  • Then this cycle repeats infinitely, allowing chained execution of arbitrary numbers of tasks. (In practice, most users only execute one or two at a time.)

For the core arguments and flags, see inv[oke] 核心用法; for details on how your tasks affect the CLI, read onwards.


There is a minor convenience-minded exception to how parse contexts behave: core options may also be given inside per-task contexts, if and only if there is no conflict with similarly-named/prefixed arguments of the being-parsed task.

For example, invoke mytask --echo will behave identically to invoke --echo mytask, unless mytask has its own echo flag (in which case that flag is handed to the task context, as normal).

Similarly, invoke mytask -e will turn on command echoing too, unless mytask has its own argument whose shortflag ends up set to -e (e.g. def mytask(env)).

Task command-line arguments

The simplest task invocation, for a task requiring no parameterization:

$ inv mytask

Tasks may take parameters in the form of flag arguments:

$ inv build --format=html
$ inv build --format html
$ inv build -f pdf
$ inv build -f=pdf

Note that both long and short style flags are supported, and that equals signs are optional in both cases.

Boolean options are simple flags with no arguments:

$ inv build --progress-bar

Naturally, more than one flag may be given at a time:

$ inv build --progress-bar -f pdf

Type casting

Natively, a command-line string is just that – a string – requiring some leaps of logic to arrive at any non-string values on the Python end. Invoke has a number of these tricks already at hand, and more will be implemented in the future. Currently:

  • Arguments with default values use those default values as a type hint, so def mytask(c, count=1) will see inv mytask --count=5 and result in the Python integer value 5 instead of the string "5".

    • Default values of None are effectively the same as having no default value at all - no type casting occurs and you’re left with a string.

  • The primary exception to the previous rule is booleans: default values of True or False cause those arguments to show up as actual non-value-taking flags (--argname to set the value to True if the default was False, or --no-argment in the opposite case). See Automatic Boolean inverse flags for more examples.

  • List values (which you wouldn’t want to set as an argument’s default value anyways – it’s a common Python misstep) are served by a special @task flag - see Iterable flag values below.

  • There’s currently no way to set other compound values (such as dicts) on the command-line; solving this more complex problem is left as an exercise to the reader (though we may add helpers for such things in the future).

Per-task help / printing available flags

To get help for a specific task, you can give the task name as an argument to the core --help/-h option, or give --help/-h after the task (which will trigger custom-to-help behavior where the task name itself is given to --help as its argument value).

When help is requested, you’ll see the task’s docstring (if any) and per-argument/flag help output:

$ inv --help build  # or invoke build --help


Options for 'build':
  -f STRING, --format=STRING  Which build format type to use
  -p, --progress-bar          Display progress bar

Globbed short flags

Boolean short flags may be combined into one flag expression, so that e.g.:

$ inv build -qv

is equivalent to (and expanded into, during parsing):

$ inv build -q -v

If the first flag in a globbed short flag token is not a boolean but takes a value, the rest of the glob is taken to be the value instead. E.g.:

$ inv build -fpdf

is expanded into:

$ inv build -f pdf

and not:

$ inv build -f -p -d -f

Optional flag values

You saw a hint of this with --help specifically, but non-core options may also take optional values, if declared as optional. For example, say your task has a --log flag that activates logging:

$ inv compile --log

but you also want it to be configurable regarding where to log:

$ inv compile --log=foo.log

You could implement this with an additional argument (e.g. --log and --log-location) but sometimes the concise API is the more useful one.

To enable this, specify which arguments are of this ‘hybrid’ optional-value type inside @task:

def compile(c, log=None):
    if log:
        log_file = '/var/log/my.log'
        # Value was given, vs just-True
        if isinstance(log, str):
            log_file = log
        # Replace w/ your actual log setup...
    # Do things that might log here...

When optional flag values are used, the values seen post-parse follow these rules:

  • If the flag is not given at all (invoke compile) the default value is filled in as normal.

  • If it is given with a value (invoke compile --log=foo.log) then the value is stored normally.

  • If the flag is given with no value (invoke compile --log), it is treated as if it were a bool and set to True.

Resolving ambiguity

There are a number of situations where ambiguity could arise for a flag that takes an optional value:

  • When a task takes positional arguments and they haven’t all been filled in by the time the parser arrives at the optional-value flag;

  • When the token following one of these flags looks like it is itself a flag; or

  • When that token has the same name as another task.

In most of these situations, Invoke’s parser will refuse the temptation to guess and raise an error.

However, in the case where the ambiguous token is flag-like, the current parse context is checked to resolve the ambiguity:

  • If the token is an otherwise legitimate argument, it is assumed that the user meant to give that argument immediately after the current one, and no optional value is set.

    • E.g. in invoke compile --log --verbose (assuming --verbose is another legit argument for compile) the parser decides the user meant to give --log without a value, and followed it up with the --verbose flag.

  • Otherwise, the token is interpreted literally and stored as the value for the current flag.

    • E.g. if --verbose is not a legitimate argument for compile, then invoke compile --log --verbose causes the parser to assign "--verbose" as the value given to --log. (This will probably cause other problems in our contrived use case, but it illustrates our point.)

Iterable flag values

A not-uncommon use case for CLI programs is the desire to build a list of values for a given option, instead of a single value. While this can be done via sub-string parsing – e.g. having users invoke a command with --mylist item1,item2,item3 and splitting on the comma – it’s often preferable to specify the option multiple times and store the values in a list (instead of overwriting or erroring.)

In Invoke, this is enabled by hinting to the parser that one or more task arguments are iterable in nature (similar to how one specifies optional or positional):

def mytask(c, my_list):

When not given at all, the default value for my_list will be an empty list; otherwise, the result is a list, appending each value seen, in order, without any other manipulation (so no deduplication, etc):

$ inv mytask
$ inv mytask --my-list foo
$ inv mytask --my-list foo --my-list bar
['foo', 'bar']
$ inv mytask --my-list foo --my-list bar --my-list foo
['foo', 'bar', 'foo']

Incrementable flag values

This is arguably a sub-case of iterable flag values (seen above) - it has the same core interface of “give a CLI argument multiple times, and have that do something other than error or overwrite a single value.” However, ‘incrementables’ (as you may have guessed) increment an integer instead of building a list of strings. This is commonly found in verbosity flags and similar functionality.

An example of exactly that:

def mytask(c, verbose=0):

And its use:

$ inv mytask
$ inv mytask --verbose
$ inv mytask -v
$inv mytask -vvv

Happily, because in Python 0 is ‘falsey’ and 1 (or any other number) is ‘truthy’, this functions a lot like a boolean flag as well, at least if one defaults it to 0.


You may supply any integer default value for such arguments (it simply serves as the starting value), but take care that consumers of the argument are written understanding that it is always going to appear ‘truthy’ unless it’s 0!

Dashes vs underscores in flag names

In Python, it’s common to use underscored_names for keyword arguments, e.g.:

def mytask(c, my_option=False):

However, the typical convention for command-line flags is dashes, which aren’t valid in Python identifiers:

$ inv mytask --my-option

Invoke works around this by automatically generating dashed versions of underscored names, when it turns your task function signatures into command-line parser flags.

Therefore, the two examples above actually work fine together – my_option ends up mapping to --my-option.

In addition, leading (_myopt) and trailing (myopt_) underscores are ignored, since invoke ---myopt and invoke --myopt- don’t make much sense.

Automatic Boolean inverse flags

Boolean flags tend to work best when setting something that is normally False, to True:

$ inv mytask --yes-please-do-x

However, in some cases, you want the opposite - a default of True, which can be easily disabled. For example, colored output:

def run_tests(c, color=True):
    # ...

Here, what we really want on the command line is a --no-color flag that sets color=False. Invoke handles this for you: when setting up CLI flags, booleans which default to True generate a --no-<name> flag instead.

How tasks run

Base case

In the simplest case, a task with no pre- or post-tasks runs one time. Example:

def hello(c):
    print("Hello, world!")


$ inv hello
Hello, world!

Pre- and post-tasks

Tasks that should always have another task executed before or after them, may use the @task deocator’s pre and/or post kwargs, like so:

def clean(c):

def publish(c):

@task(pre=[clean], post=[publish])
def build(c):


$ inv build

These keyword arguments always take iterables. As a convenience, pre-tasks (and pre-tasks only) may be given as positional arguments, in a manner similar to build systems like make. E.g. we could present part of the above example as:

def clean(c):

def build(c):

As before, invoke build would cause clean to run, then build.

Recursive/chained pre/post-tasks

Pre-tasks of pre-tasks will also be invoked (as will post-tasks of pre-tasks, pre-tasks of post-tasks, etc) in a depth-first manner, recursively. Here’s a more complex (if slightly contrived) tasks file:

def clean_html(c):
    print("Cleaning HTML")

def clean_tgz(c):
    print("Cleaning .tar.gz files")

@task(clean_html, clean_tgz)
def clean(c):
    print("Cleaned everything")

def makedirs(c):
    print("Making directories")

@task(clean, makedirs)
def build(c):

def deploy(c):

With a depth-first behavior, the below is hopefully intuitive to most users:

$ inv deploy
Cleaning HTML
Cleaning .tar.gz files
Cleaned everything
Making directories

Parameterizing pre/post-tasks

By default, pre- and post-tasks are executed with no arguments, even if the task triggering their execution was given some. When this is not suitable, you can wrap the task objects with call objects which allow you to specify a call signature:

def clean(c, which=None):
    which = which or 'pyc'
    print("Cleaning {}".format(which))

@task(pre=[call(clean, which='all')]) # or call(clean, 'all')
def build(c):

Example output:

$ inv build
Cleaning all

Task deduplication

By default, any task that would run more than once during a session (due e.g. to inclusion in pre/post tasks), will only be run once. Example task file:

def clean(c):

def build(c):

def package(c):

With deduplication turned off (see below), the above would execute clean -> build -> build again -> package. With deduplication, the double build does not occur:

$ inv build package


Parameterized pre-tasks (using call) are deduped based on their argument lists. For example, if clean was parameterized and hooked up as a pre-task in two different ways - e.g. call(clean, 'html') and call(clean, 'all') - they would not get deduped should both end up running in the same session.

However, two separate references to call(clean, 'html') would become deduplicated.

Disabling deduplication

If you prefer your tasks to run every time no matter what, you can give the --no-dedupe core CLI option at runtime, or set the tasks.dedupe config setting to False. While it doesn’t make a ton of real-world sense, let’s imagine we wanted to apply --no-dedupe to the above example; we’d see the following output:

$ inv --no-dedupe build package

The build step is now running twice.