Text Formatting¶
Text formatting is an important aspect of written text. Sphinx provides support for several ways to apply specific formatting.
Content can have inline markup like *emphasis*, **strong emphasis**,
``inline literals``, :sub:`subscript`, :sup:`superscript` and so much more.
Providing a reference to :pep:`8` is straightforward. You can also include
abbreviations like :abbr:`HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)`.
This is blockquoted text.
It is possible to have multiple paragraphs of text, which get separated
from each other visually. When stronger visual separation is desired, a
horizontal separator can be used (4 or more punctuation characters on a line).
This is written in reStructuredText.
Content can have inline markup like emphasis, strong emphasis,
inline literals
, subscript, superscript and so much more.
Providing a reference to PEP 8 is straightforward. You can also include
abbreviations like HTML.
This is blockquoted text.
It is possible to have multiple paragraphs of text, which get separated from each other visually. When stronger visual separation is desired, a horizontal separator can be used (4 or more punctuation characters on a line).
This is written in reStructuredText.
Content can have inline markup like *emphasis*, **strong emphasis**,
`inline literals`, {sub}`subscript`, {sup}`superscript` and so much more.
Providing a reference to {pep}`8` is straightforward. You can also include
abbreviations like {abbr}`HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)`.
> This is blockquoted text.
It is possible to have multiple paragraphs of text, which get separated
from each other visually. When stronger visual separation is desired, a
horizontal separator can be used (3 or more punctuation characters on a line).
This is written in Markdown.
Content can have inline markup like emphasis, strong emphasis,
inline literals
, subscript, superscript and so much more.
Providing a reference to PEP 8 is straightforward. You can also include
abbreviations like HTML.
This is blockquoted text.
It is possible to have multiple paragraphs of text, which get separated from each other visually. When stronger visual separation is desired, a horizontal separator can be used (3 or more punctuation characters on a line).
This is written in Markdown.