Members Tests

All Members

class testnamespace::NamespacedClassTest

first class inside of namespace

Public Functions

virtual void function() const = 0

namespaced class function

Specific Members

class testnamespace::NamespacedClassTest

first class inside of namespace

Protected Static Functions

static void functionS()

Some kind of function.

Private Functions

inline void anotherFunction()

namespaced class other function

No Members

class NamespacedClassTest

first class inside of namespace

Struct Members


doxygenfunction: Unable to resolve function “testnamespace::MyClass::MyClass” with arguments None in doxygen xml output for project “tinyxml” from directory: ../../examples/specific/struct_function/xml. Potential matches:

- MyClass()
- MyClass(const MyClass&)
testnamespace::MyClass::MyClass(const MyClass&)

struct copy constructor

int testnamespace::MyClass::myMemberVar