# Vehicle Modes This folder contains modes configuration for Apollo vehicle. Each pb.txt should be an instance of HMIMode. Check the proto for detailed information. ## Name Convention We'll convert the file name to a readable title-case name automatically to display on Dreamview. So please make it simple, clean and meaningful. Some examples: * mkz_standard_debug.pb.txt -> "Mkz Standard Debug" * mkz_close_loop.pb.txt -> "Mkz Close Loop" * mkz_map_collection.pb.txt -> "Mkz Map Collection" ## Monitor New Channels The Cyber Reader API requires client to provide data type when subscribing a channel. So you need to extend the ChannelMonitor to [handle new channels](https://github.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/blob/master/modules/monitor/software/channel_monitor.cc#L51).