# Common - Module This module contains code that is not specific to any module but is useful for the functioning of Apollo. ## adapters Topics are used by different modules to communicate with one another. A large number of topic names are defined in `adapter_gflags`. ## configs/data The vehicle configuration is specified in `configs/data` ## filters **filters** implements some filter classes including DigitalFilter and MeanFilter. ## kv_db **KVDB** is a lightweight key-value database to store system-wide parameters. ## latency_recorder **LatencyRecorder** can record the latency between two time points. ## math **math** implements a number of useful mathematical libraries. ## monitor_log **Monitor** defines a logging system. ## proto **Proto** defines a number of project-wide protocol buffers. ## status **Status** is used for determining whether certain functions were performed successfully or not. If not, status provides helpful error messages. ## util **Util** contains an implementation of a factory design pattern with registration, a few string parsing functions, and some utilities for parsing protocol buffers from files. ## vehicle_state The **vehicle_state** class specifies the current state of the vehicle (e.g. position, velocity, heading, etc.).