# Dump audio to wave We provide tools to dump audio data from topic `/apollo/sensor/microphone` to wave files. ## How To do so, 1. Change `WAV_SAVING_PATH` in `audiosaver.py` to the directory for saving wave files, which is default to `/tmp`. 2. Run command `python3 audiosaver.py` to start to listen to audio data from the topic `/apollo/sensor/microphone` (while playing a record, etc.). 3. Terminate the program with `Ctrl + C` when you want to stop listening & save data to wave files under the target directory. By default, there are 6 audio channels, so 6 files will be generated -- one for each audio channel. For information of the audio channel, refer to [Microphone](../../drivers/microphone/README.md) and [Microphone Configuration](../../drivers/microphone/conf/respeaker.pb.txt). ## Other References * Hardware Specification -- [Respeaker](../../../docs/specs/Microphone/Re_Speaker_USB_Mic_Array_Guide.md) * Driver Configuration -- [Microphone](../../drivers/microphone/README.md)