# Title(replace it) _**Tip**: to read the equations in the document, you are recommended to use Chrome with [a plugin](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tex-all-the-things/cbimabofgmfdkicghcadidpemeenbffn) or copy the latex equation to [an online editor](http://www.hostmath.com/)_ # Introduction This is a paragraph of introduction # Where is the code Please refer [code](https://github.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/blob/r1.0.0/docs/quickstart/apollo_1_0_hardware_system_installation_guide.md) # Code Reading ![Diagram](images/example.png) 1. Input 2. Process, ```a line of code i++;```, Please not directly naming the line number of the code but taking a snapshot of it here 3. ... 4. Output # Algorithm Detail ![Diagram](images/example.png) 1. Parameters Explanation 2. Intro 3. Process 4. ... ``` $$ x = f_i(t) = a_{i0} + a_{i1} * t + a_{i2} * t^2 + a_{i3} * t^3 + a_{i4} * t^4 + a_{i5} * t^5 $$ ```