# How to Generate Local Map For MSF Localization Module ## Prerequisites - Download source code of Apollo from [GitHub](https://github.com/ApolloAuto/apollo) - Follow the tutorial to set up [docker environment](../quickstart/apollo_software_installation_guide.md). - ~~Download localization data from the [Multi-Sensor Fusion Localization Data](http://data.apollo.auto/help?name=sensor%20data&data_key=multisensor&data_type=1&locale=en-us&lang=en)(US only).~~ - Download localization dataset: please contact Yao Zhou, zhouyao@baidu.com, to request the dataset. Requests need contain the following: (1) Email address and affiliation (business or school); (2) Application purpose. ## Build Apollo First check to make sure you are in development docker container before you proceed. Now you will need to build from source: ``` # To make sure you start clean bash apollo.sh clean # Build the full system bash apollo.sh build_opt ``` ## Generate Localization Map In the downloaded data, look for a folder named *apollo3.5*. Let's assume the path of this folder to be DATA_PATH. ``` /apollo/scripts/msf_simple_map_creator.sh DATA_PATH/records/ DATA_PATH/params/velodyne_params/velodyne128_novatel_extrinsics.yaml 10 OUT_FOLDER_PATH ``` After the script is finished, you can find the produced localization map named *local_map* in the output folder. The scripts also stores the visualization of each generated map node in the map's subfolder named `image`. The visualization of a map node filled with LiDAR data looks like this: ![1](images/msf_localization/map_node_image.png)