# Run Simulation with Offline Record This document provides a step-by-step guide on how to run simulation with a demo offline record, in case you don't have the required hardware. ## Preparation Work Suppose you have followed the [Apollo Software Installation Guide](../quickstart/apollo_software_installation_guide.md). You have cloned Apollo's GitHub repo, all the software pre-requisites were installed correctly. ## Start and enter Apollo development Docker container The following commands are assumed to run from `$APOLLO_ROOT_DIR`. ``` bash docker/scripts/dev_start.sh bash docker/scripts/dev_into.sh ``` ## Build Apollo Run the following command to build Apollo inside Docker: ``` ./apollo.sh build ``` Note: > The script will auto-detect whether it was a CPU only build or a GPU build. ## Start Dreamview To start the Monitor module and Dreamview backend, run: ``` bash scripts/bootstrap.sh ``` ## Download and play the demo record ``` python3 docs/demo_guide/record_helper.py demo_3.5.record cyber_recorder play -f demo_3.5.record --loop ``` Note: > The `--loop` option enables record to keep playing in a loop playback mode. ## Open in your favorate browser (e.g. Chrome) to access Apollo Dreamview The following screen should be shown to you and the car in Dreamview now moves around! ![](images/dv_trajectory.png) Congratulations!