# Common Component Example of the CyberRT framework ## How to Build ``` ./apollo.sh build cyber ``` Or if you use Bazel directly, ``` bazel build //cyber/examples/common_component_example/... ``` ## How to Run ### Enable logging to stderr - Change `GLOG_alsologtostderr` from `0` to `1` in `cyber/setup.bash` - Run `source cyber/setup.bash` in current console. ``` export GLOG_alsologtostderr=1 ``` ### Start the sample component ``` cyber_launch start cyber/examples/common_component_example/common.launch ``` Or ``` mainbooard -d cyber/examples/common_component_example/common.dag ``` ### Start the writer nodes Open two more terminals, run the following commands respectively. ``` bazel run //cyber/examples/common_component_example:channel_test_writer ``` and ... ``` bazel run //cyber/examples/common_component_example:channel_prediction_writer ``` Now you should see console output of the `CommonComponentSample` example from the first terminal.