myst_parser.mocking 源代码

"""This module provides classes to Mock the core components of the docutils.RSTParser,
the key difference being that nested parsing treats the text as Markdown not rST.
import os
import re
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Optional, Tuple, Type

from docutils import nodes
from docutils.parsers.rst import Directive, DirectiveError
from docutils.parsers.rst import Parser as RSTParser
from docutils.parsers.rst.directives.misc import Include
from docutils.parsers.rst.states import Body, Inliner, RSTStateMachine
from docutils.statemachine import StringList
from docutils.utils import unescape

from .parse_directives import parse_directive_text

    from .docutils_renderer import DocutilsRenderer

class MockingError(Exception):
    """An exception to signal an error during mocking of docutils components."""

[文档]class MockInliner: """A mock version of `docutils.parsers.rst.states.Inliner`. This is parsed to role functions. """ def __init__(self, renderer: "DocutilsRenderer", lineno: int): self._renderer = renderer self.document = renderer.document self.reporter = renderer.document.reporter if not hasattr(self.reporter, "get_source_and_line"): # TODO this is called by some roles, # but I can't see how that would work in RST? self.reporter.get_source_and_line = lambda l: (self.document["source"], l) self.parent = renderer.current_node self.language = renderer.language_module_rst self.rfc_url = "rfc%d.html"
[文档] def problematic( self, text: str, rawsource: str, message: nodes.system_message ) -> nodes.problematic: msgid = self.document.set_id(message, self.parent) problematic = nodes.problematic(rawsource, rawsource, refid=msgid) prbid = self.document.set_id(problematic) message.add_backref(prbid) return problematic
# TODO add parse method def __getattr__(self, name: str): """This method is only be called if the attribute requested has not been defined. Defined attributes will not be overridden. """ # TODO use document.reporter mechanism? if hasattr(Inliner, name): msg = "{cls} has not yet implemented attribute '{name}'".format( cls=type(self).__name__, name=name ) raise MockingError(msg).with_traceback(sys.exc_info()[2]) msg = "{cls} has no attribute {name}".format(cls=type(self).__name__, name=name) raise MockingError(msg).with_traceback(sys.exc_info()[2])
[文档]class MockState: """A mock version of `docutils.parsers.rst.states.RSTState`. This is parsed to the `` method, so that they may run nested parses on their content that will be parsed as markdown, rather than RST. """ def __init__( self, renderer: "DocutilsRenderer", state_machine: "MockStateMachine", lineno: int, ): self._renderer = renderer self._lineno = lineno self.document = renderer.document self.reporter = renderer.document.reporter self.state_machine = state_machine self.inliner = MockInliner(renderer, lineno) class Struct: document = self.document reporter = self.document.reporter language = renderer.language_module_rst title_styles: List[str] = [] section_level = max(renderer._level_to_elem) section_bubble_up_kludge = False inliner = self.inliner self.memo = Struct
[文档] def parse_directive_block( self, content: StringList, line_offset: int, directive: Type[Directive], option_presets: dict, ) -> Tuple[list, dict, StringList, int]: """Parse the full directive text :returns: (arguments, options, content, content_offset) """ if option_presets: raise MockingError("parse_directive_block: option_presets not implemented") # TODO should argument_str always be ""? arguments, options, body_lines = parse_directive_text( directive, "", "\n".join(content) ) return ( arguments, options, StringList(body_lines, source=content.source), line_offset + len(content) - len(body_lines), )
[文档] def nested_parse( self, block: StringList, input_offset: int, node: nodes.Element, match_titles: bool = False, state_machine_class=None, state_machine_kwargs=None, ) -> None: """Perform a nested parse of the input block, with ``node`` as the parent.""" sm_match_titles = self.state_machine.match_titles render_match_titles = self._renderer.md_env.get("match_titles", None) self.state_machine.match_titles = self._renderer.md_env[ "match_titles" ] = match_titles with self._renderer.current_node_context(node): self._renderer.nested_render_text( "\n".join(block), self._lineno + input_offset ) self.state_machine.match_titles = sm_match_titles self._renderer.md_env["match_titles"] = render_match_titles
[文档] def parse_target(self, block, block_text, lineno: int): """ Taken from # noqa: E501 """ # Commenting out this code because it only applies to rST # if block and block[-1].strip()[-1:] == "_": # possible indirect target # reference = " ".join([line.strip() for line in block]) # refname = self.is_reference(reference) # if refname: # return "refname", refname reference = "".join(["".join(line.split()) for line in block]) return "refuri", unescape(reference)
[文档] def inline_text( self, text: str, lineno: int ) -> Tuple[List[nodes.Element], List[nodes.Element]]: """Parse text with only inline rules. :return: (list of nodes, list of messages) """ # TODO return messages? messages: List[nodes.Element] = [] paragraph = nodes.paragraph("") tokens =, self._renderer.md_env) for token in tokens: if = [[0] + lineno,[1] + lineno] # here we instantiate a new renderer, # so that the nested parse does not effect the current renderer, # but we use the same env, so that link references, etc # are added to the global parse. from myst_parser.docutils_renderer import DocutilsRenderer nested_renderer = DocutilsRenderer( options = {k: v for k, v in self._renderer.config.items()} options.update( { "document": self.document, "current_node": paragraph, "output_footnotes": False, } ) nested_renderer.render(tokens, options, self._renderer.md_env) return paragraph.children, messages
# U+2014 is an em-dash: attribution_pattern = re.compile("^((?:---?(?!-)|\u2014) *)(.+)")
[文档] def block_quote(self, lines: List[str], line_offset: int) -> List[nodes.Element]: """Parse a block quote, which is a block of text, followed by an (optional) attribution. :: No matter where you go, there you are. -- Buckaroo Banzai """ elements = [] # split attribution last_line_blank = False blockquote_lines = lines attribution_lines = [] attribution_line_offset = None # First line after a blank line must begin with a dash for i, line in enumerate(lines): if not line.strip(): last_line_blank = True continue if not last_line_blank: last_line_blank = False continue last_line_blank = False match = self.attribution_pattern.match(line) if not match: continue attribution_line_offset = i attribution_lines = [] for at_line in lines[i + 1 :]: indented_line = at_line[len( :] if len(indented_line) != len(at_line.lstrip()): break attribution_lines.append(indented_line) blockquote_lines = lines[:i] break # parse block blockquote = nodes.block_quote() self.nested_parse(blockquote_lines, line_offset, blockquote) elements.append(blockquote) # parse attribution if attribution_lines: attribution_text = "\n".join(attribution_lines) lineno = self._lineno + line_offset + (attribution_line_offset or 0) textnodes, messages = self.inline_text(attribution_text, lineno) attribution = nodes.attribution(attribution_text, "", *textnodes) ( attribution.source, attribution.line, ) = self.state_machine.get_source_and_line(lineno) blockquote += attribution elements += messages return elements
[文档] def build_table(self, tabledata, tableline, stub_columns: int = 0, widths=None): return Body.build_table(self, tabledata, tableline, stub_columns, widths)
[文档] def build_table_row(self, rowdata, tableline): return Body.build_table_row(self, rowdata, tableline)
def __getattr__(self, name: str): """This method is only be called if the attribute requested has not been defined. Defined attributes will not be overridden. """ cls = type(self).__name__ if hasattr(Body, name): msg = ( f"{cls} has not yet implemented attribute '{name}'. " "You can parse RST directly via the `{eval-rst}` directive: " "" # noqa: E501 ) else: # The requested `name` is not a docutils Body element # (such as "footnote", "block_quote", "paragraph", …) msg = f"{cls} has no attribute '{name}'" raise MockingError(msg).with_traceback(sys.exc_info()[2])
[文档]class MockStateMachine: """A mock version of `docutils.parsers.rst.states.RSTStateMachine`. This is parsed to the `` method. """ def __init__(self, renderer: "DocutilsRenderer", lineno: int): self._renderer = renderer self._lineno = lineno self.document = renderer.document self.language = renderer.language_module_rst self.reporter = self.document.reporter self.node: nodes.Element = renderer.current_node self.match_titles: bool = True
[文档] def get_source(self, lineno: Optional[int] = None): """Return document source path.""" return self.document["source"]
[文档] def get_source_and_line(self, lineno: Optional[int] = None): """Return (source path, line) tuple for current or given line number.""" return self.document["source"], lineno or self._lineno
def __getattr__(self, name: str): """This method is only be called if the attribute requested has not been defined. Defined attributes will not be overridden. """ if hasattr(RSTStateMachine, name): msg = "{cls} has not yet implemented attribute '{name}'".format( cls=type(self).__name__, name=name ) raise MockingError(msg).with_traceback(sys.exc_info()[2]) msg = "{cls} has no attribute {name}".format(cls=type(self).__name__, name=name) raise MockingError(msg).with_traceback(sys.exc_info()[2])
[文档]class MockIncludeDirective: """This directive uses a lot of statemachine logic that is not yet mocked. Therefore, we treat it as a special case (at least for now). See: """ def __init__( self, renderer: "DocutilsRenderer", name: str, klass: Include, arguments: list, options: dict, body: List[str], lineno: int, ): self.renderer = renderer self.document = renderer.document = name self.klass = klass self.arguments = arguments self.options = options self.body = body self.lineno = lineno
[文档] def run(self) -> List[nodes.Element]: from docutils.parsers.rst.directives.body import CodeBlock, NumberLines if not self.document.settings.file_insertion_enabled: raise DirectiveError(2, 'Directive "{}" disabled.'.format( source_dir = Path(self.document["source"]).absolute().parent include_arg = "".join([s.strip() for s in self.arguments[0].splitlines()]) if include_arg.startswith("<") and include_arg.endswith(">"): # # docutils "standard" includes path = Path(self.klass.standard_include_path).joinpath(include_arg[1:-1]) else: # if using sphinx interpret absolute paths "correctly", # i.e. relative to source directory try: sphinx_env = self.document.settings.env except AttributeError: pass else: _, include_arg = sphinx_env.relfn2path(self.arguments[0]) sphinx_env.note_included(include_arg) path = Path(include_arg) path = source_dir.joinpath(path) # this ensures that the parent file is rebuilt if the included file changes self.document.settings.record_dependencies.add(str(path)) # read file encoding = self.options.get("encoding", self.document.settings.input_encoding) error_handler = self.document.settings.input_encoding_error_handler # tab_width = self.options.get("tab-width", self.document.settings.tab_width) try: file_content = path.read_text(encoding=encoding, errors=error_handler) except Exception as error: raise DirectiveError( 4, 'Directive "{}": error reading file: {}\n{}.'.format(, path, error ), ) # get required section of text startline = self.options.get("start-line", None) endline = self.options.get("end-line", None) file_content = "\n".join(file_content.splitlines()[startline:endline]) startline = startline or 0 for split_on_type in ["start-after", "end-before"]: split_on = self.options.get(split_on_type, None) if not split_on: continue split_index = file_content.find(split_on) if split_index < 0: raise DirectiveError( 4, 'Directive "{}"; option "{}": text not found "{}".'.format(, split_on_type, split_on ), ) if split_on_type == "start-after": startline += split_index + len(split_on) file_content = file_content[split_index + len(split_on) :] else: file_content = file_content[:split_index] if "literal" in self.options: literal_block = nodes.literal_block( file_content, source=str(path), classes=self.options.get("class", []) ) literal_block.line = 1 # TODO don;t think this should be 1? self.add_name(literal_block) if "number-lines" in self.options: try: startline = int(self.options["number-lines"] or 1) except ValueError: raise DirectiveError( 3, ":number-lines: with non-integer " "start value" ) endline = startline + len(file_content.splitlines()) if file_content.endswith("\n"): file_content = file_content[:-1] tokens = NumberLines([([], file_content)], startline, endline) for classes, value in tokens: if classes: literal_block += nodes.inline(value, value, classes=classes) else: literal_block += nodes.Text(value) else: literal_block += nodes.Text(file_content) return [literal_block] if "code" in self.options: self.options["source"] = str(path) state_machine = MockStateMachine(self.renderer, self.lineno) state = MockState(self.renderer, state_machine, self.lineno) codeblock = CodeBlock(, arguments=[self.options.pop("code")], options=self.options, content=file_content.splitlines(), lineno=self.lineno, content_offset=0, block_text=file_content, state=state, state_machine=state_machine, ) return # Here we perform a nested render, but temporarily setup the document/reporter # with the correct document path and lineno for the included file. source = self.renderer.document["source"] rsource = self.renderer.reporter.source line_func = getattr(self.renderer.reporter, "get_source_and_line", None) try: self.renderer.document["source"] = str(path) self.renderer.reporter.source = str(path) self.renderer.reporter.get_source_and_line = lambda l: (str(path), l) if "relative-images" in self.options: self.renderer.config["relative-images"] = os.path.relpath( path.parent, source_dir ) if "relative-docs" in self.options: self.renderer.config["relative-docs"] = ( self.options["relative-docs"], source_dir, path.parent, ) self.renderer.nested_render_text(file_content, startline + 1) finally: self.renderer.document["source"] = source self.renderer.reporter.source = rsource self.renderer.config.pop("relative-images", None) self.renderer.config.pop("relative-docs", None) if line_func is not None: self.renderer.reporter.get_source_and_line = line_func else: del self.renderer.reporter.get_source_and_line return []
[文档] def add_name(self, node: nodes.Element): """Append self.options['name'] to node['names'] if it exists. Also normalize the name string and register it as explicit target. """ if "name" in self.options: name = nodes.fully_normalize_name(self.options.pop("name")) if "name" in node: del node["name"] node["names"].append(name) self.renderer.document.note_explicit_target(node, node)
[文档]class MockRSTParser(RSTParser): """RSTParser which avoids a negative side effect."""
[文档] def parse(self, inputstring: str, document: nodes.document): """Parse the input to populate the document AST.""" from docutils.parsers.rst import roles should_restore = False if "" in roles._roles: should_restore = True blankrole = roles._roles[""] super().parse(inputstring, document) if should_restore: roles._roles[""] = blankrole